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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Brihaspati - An Indian male living in the upper mid-west part of the USA. Lazy as they come, loves listening to Indian classical music and classic rock, bibliophile, oenophile, epicurean, rationalist, dabbles in existentialism and Indian philosophy, amateur tennis and table-tennis player.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wisconsin Weather

Wisconsin's weather pattern is funny. For 7 months, from November to May, it's cold. Between November and February, Wisconsin translates to bone chilling cold. It's either slushy snow or slippery ice that one wades through. I feel that the movie, From here to eternity had Wisconsin's winters in mind.

April - May is when the ground thaws and the lawn which had donned various hues of brown turns verdant with tender new grass.

However, in June & July scorching sun is the rule and the grass turns brown again and tornadoes cruise through the state. Tornadoes here are not as bad as those in Oklahoma or Kansas but nevertheless they bring down a power-pole, fell a tree or blow a house's roof or do it all.

But it's not all bad. August and September are great fall months, if you don't have a hunking huge tree dropping its leaves all over the lawn. Also, Wisconsin is where I was convinced that there are indeed 4 seasons. I have objective proof now. Growing up in Madras, I thought that the concept of 4 seasons was a sham as Madras had only 2 seasons- 1) hot and 2) hot and humid.


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