
Posts about Books, Food, Current Affairs, Music and Movies.

Location: Wisconsin, United States

Brihaspati - An Indian male living in the upper mid-west part of the USA. Lazy as they come, loves listening to Indian classical music and classic rock, bibliophile, oenophile, epicurean, rationalist, dabbles in existentialism and Indian philosophy, amateur tennis and table-tennis player.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Quick post.

The two books I ordered online were delivered today.

Given the title, "Being and Nothingness", one would think that it is a small paperback. Paperback? Yes, it is but it is no way small. The book is some 800 pages and all of it is in fine print. Feels more like an attorney gone awry and and decided to write a fine-print legal tome for all commerical transactions.

The other book, Freakonomics, has an apple slice that resembles an Orange's innards. Now I atleast understand how the cover of the books explains the title.


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